Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It is just the start of a long process

We met with the lawyer yesterday, and well let just say this process has just started and seems to be one that will go on forever.  It makes me so angry that I am having to deal with all of this mess. It just adds to the stress which I already have and is very much un-needed.  In the mean time it is a growing joke between Chad and I of where we will be living and what job I will have.  As we all know education is in trouble financially which is really scary.  Chad jokes that I will be working at Walmart.  In the meantime we continue to enjoy the beautiful view of Smith Lake and the laughter that living in the country brings. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Unknown

I do not like not knowing what is in store for me in the next couple of months.  Chad and I have no clue where we will be much less where or what we will live in.  I hate not knowing if I will have a job or if I do have a job where it will be.  Chad and I are having to be very open minded.  We find ourselves tossing back and forth between we can do this we can keep commuting to there is no way we can continue to drive 2 hours each a day.  It all lies on where I will have a job or if I will have a job which is so scary.  At the end of the day we have to continue to remind ourselves that it is all God's plan and we have to just trust in the Lord.  We pray each day that I will have a job and I pray that I will be able to continue to working with the students I love to work with most and that is those who are on the Autism Spectrum. 

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, March 5, 2011

When I was in college I could not wait to get out and start living life as an adult but now I would do anything to get to go back to having no responsibility.  Being an adult really stinks sometimes.  This week Chad and I were hit with some really bad news about his truck.  We have to pay nearly 2,000 dollars to fix things that have to be fixed because it is a safety issue.  On top of that this is the first month I had to start paying my loan for graduate school and now because of the situation I am in with graduate school we have to pay lawyer fees.  So we got hit by a bus this week! We are so thankful that we are living in the lake house and do not have a mortgage payment on top of all of those expenses. 

Chad and I have definitely come to the conclusion we are not built for country living.  Do you know how many bugs there are in the country?  They are everywhere and somehow find there way in the house.  Chad killed over 20 flies in one day.  When I drive home it is like I am in a scary movie because it is pitch black and no one is around.  Not to mention there is nothing around and we have no friends or neighbors.  Chad and I said last night that God was really teaching us a lesson of how to live simply because we have nothing at the lake and can not just run out and get stuff.  It is the little things I took for granite being able to do- the lake house does not have an ice maker so I am making ice using ice treys.  This gets so old and really irritates me early in the morning. It would make it worth it if we had a sunny weekend to enjoy the beauty of the lake, but that has not happened yet.  We will definitely be looking for a house close to civilization.